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Together we work with producers devising custom marketing plans that incorporate futures and basis recommendations to manage the risk they pose. Here at Leverage, we keep track of all sales and positions in a manner that is well organized and easy to read so that every customer can follow along and see how they are sitting at all times. 


A part of a marketing plan for many farmers may include the use of futures & options on the Chicago Board of Trade. Hedging prices to protect a profit while there is production uncertainty may be a useful way to make sales.  Farmers may also choose to reduce downside price risk or open upside pricing opportunity with the use of options.  


Crop Insurance

A very important component to making sure you are Leveraged the right way, our staff is very knowledgeable and up-to-date on everything crop insurance related. We are constantly looking out for our clients and are by your side, should a loss occur.



**The trading of derivatives such as futures and options may not be suitable for all investors. Derivatives trading involves substantial risk of loss, and you should fully understand those risks prior to trading. Past performance is not indicative of future results.​**



601 1st Street Milford, Nebraska 68405

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